Is there a grant to create a video production?
I would like to begin a new paranormal reality show. I need funds to get the team up and running and seek a network to air the show. Can you help?
I would like to begin a new paranormal reality show. I need funds to get the team up and running and seek a network to air the show. Can you help?
Sounds like an .interesting project! You are most likely to find a grant for something like this from your state rather than from the federal government. Try doing an internet search including the name of your state and something like "grant for the arts". Your state may have received a block grant to support this type of program.
Another good thing to try is one of the crowdfunding sites popular these days. If you are into video production you could probably do a great clip to promote your idea and fund your project. If you're not familiar with crowdfunding, check out this article about Crowdunding News.
Thank you for your advise, and a video presentation just might be the way to go, and a graveyard setting I think would be a grand entrance, at night of coarse! cheers!
John Scheiber ( 2015-04-18 17:59:28 -0700 )editAsked: 2015-04-05 15:20:47 -0700
Seen: 60 times
Last updated: Apr. 18, '15
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