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I am an 82 year old widow on social security needing help for home repairs.

asked Jul 23 '15

Janet gravatar image

updated Jul 28 '15

Susan gravatar image

I need help repairing my manufactured home.  

The floor of my porch is falling in due to water leakage.  You could be really injured by falling through a hole in the floor. 

The house needs to be releveled so that outside doors will close and lock for security.  

I know what needs to be done and have someone to do it.  I just don't have the money.  

My house sits on 1-1/4 acres that need mowing.  I used to ride my lawn mower but it broke down and couldn't be fixed and I can't afford a new one or pay what is charged by someone for mowing.      


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answered Jul 28 '15

Susan gravatar image

updated Jul 28 '15

Nancy gravatar image

Janet I'm sorry to say that an awful lot of people are in a similar situation. The good news about that though is that more programs are being developed to help. 

Some counties have programs specifically for repairs and upgrades to manufactured homes. I don't know of any central listing of such things but you could do an internet search using the name of your state and/or county and "manufactured home repairs." They are especially likely to be available when health and safety are at risk, which sounds like the case with your home. If you don't get results doing that then search for your local housing agency and talk with one of their counselors -- they might be able to direct you to a useful resource or even help you directly.

I don't know if you live in a rural area. If you do then you might qualify for a loan or even a realy grant from the U.S. Departmenet of Agriculture! You can go to their website and enter the search term "grants" to learn more. You can also read more about them and maybe get some more ideas in this article about grants for home repair.

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