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Grants for a single mother to get a Pilates teaching certification?

asked 2014-09-01 18:52:07 -0700

Heather gravatar image

I am a single mother wanting to get a Pilates teaching certification. Most assistance I've read about is for accredited colleges. Is there any financial help for me?

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answered 2014-09-01 18:52:59 -0700

fgcguy gravatar image

There are several avenues I would recommend to try and find help. While it is true that many grants and scholarships only apply to accredited colleges, there are funds available for trade schools. The best place to start is at the school where you would get your Pilates teaching certification. If there is assistance available for their school they would know about it and be able to refer you to the right source.

Depending on what state you are in, there may be state-funded programs to help you … check with your State Department of Education. You might also get assistance from the federal Office of Vocational and Adult Education if you have been laid off and are receiving unemplyment.

Finally, federal Pell Grants can sometimes be used for trade schools. To do a quick check of your eligibility, try the quick quiz at Qualify For A Pell Grant.

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