I need help with rent and bills
I have called every place in the city of Milwaukee, WI and asked if there was help with paying rent and bills. I got 3 places UMOS, MAXIUMS, AND America Works. I asked for rent help and they all said the same thing: if you don't have kids we will not help you. I said what about people who can't have kids or don't want kids, where' s help for them? They said there is none. One lady told me to get pregnant just to get help and after the baby is born give it up for adopting. I'm struggling now, why would I bring a baby in to this world if I can't take care of mysel and I'm struggling? I lost my mom last year dealing with depression. I wanted to go back to work but found out I had a tumor the size of a cantaloupe in my uterus and had that removed. Im trying to get back on my feet and asked about rent assistance but they don't have section 8 here. I love where I live don't want to move.
Where's the help for people like me? I have a temp job and work here and there but not a lot and I go without a lot. I heard about working cars for working families but I can't get that, I was told they don't have that here. If I had a car I could get a stable/permmanent job. Buses here go so far and these jobs are 2.5 hours to 4.0 hours a way on a bus. I don't want to be on a bus that long. Is there any help for me?